Dignity for all.
Love Never Fails is committed to making a meaningful impact through our Dignity for all initiative. We're dedicated to providing dignity bags to the underserved, recognizing that small gestures can make a significant difference in someone's life. These bags, filled with essential items and care, go beyond the physical to uplift spirits and restore a sense of worth.
We've distributed thousands of dignity items to marginalized and underserved communities across the Bay Area, including vital hygiene needs, clothing, meals, and more.
If you're eager to contribute to building dignity bags, you certainly can! Simply fill out our interest form, and we'll be in touch with you soon!
You can play a pivotal role in supporting our distribution of dignity bags by purchasing items directly at our community engagement centers and street outreach events. All items on this list are available for purchase and will be delivered directly to us!
To assist us in distributing these essential bags, consider joining us at our upcoming street outreach.
We collaborate with our street outreach team, periodically updating our wishlist with items needed by the community we encounter during street outreach!