Larry Brundage
Larry’s first injection into ministry happened when the leaders of South Hills Community
Church asked him to pray about leading a ministry in an at-risk neighborhood in San Jose.
As he and his wife Sheila prayed, they realized God’s desire for them to leave their home
and move into the community. They sensed God’s call to “Walk a mile in their shoes.”
After living in that community for eight years, starting many thriving ministries and having
two children—Alex and Aliana—Larry served as the Compassion Pastor, Outreach Pastor,
and eventually the Senior Associate Pastor at South Hills Community Church. Larry earned
a degree in Christian Leadership from William Jessup University with highest honors and
has served in ministry for over 25 years. Larry currently serves as the Engagement Leader
for Northern California with Thrivent Financial—a Fortune 500 holistic financial company
and membership organization of Christians.
Larry Brundage is a husband, father, pastor, people-builder and Engagement Leader for
Thrivent—a membership organization of more than 2.4 million Christians. He has been in
pastoral ministry for 20+ years and considers his current role at Thrivent Financial as part
of God’s mission for his life in this season. He has been with his wife Sheila for 30 years and
has two children ages 17 and 19. With a degree in Christian Leadership from William
Jessup University, he is passionate about healthy teams and unity in business and faith.
Engagement Leader, Thrivent